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Yanling Industrial Zone, Renqiu City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Well control pressure test system
Mobile intelligent precision control pressure test system
The company can produce mobile intelligent fine control pressure test system for BOP pressure test on the job site. Product pressure level from 40MPa to 300MPa.
Integrated construction and service of well control workshop
The company has undertaken many large-scale Class A and Class B integrated construction projects for the control workshop, and has rich experience in the overall design, manufacturing and on-site construction of the control workshop.

Hebei New Tiehu Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd.
Sales Line: +86-317-7651717
Telephone:+86-317-2616808 -8009
Address: Yanling Industrial Zone, Renqiu City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
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